June 03, 2011

May 18, 2011

 Time to plant out those tomatoes! These guys were started in the living room under grow lights way back in March. When they outgrew the living room, they moved into the green house where they hardened off for a good few weeks. They were just about grown out of their little gallon pots and ready for some extreme compost, so out into the mega bed, our whopping 16 footer,  they go. 

First we topped the bed off with a good six inches of rich organic compost and attached PVC hoops to hold up some plastic. Tomatoes aren't known to do so well when their leaves are heavily rained on, so the plastic will keep the overhead water minimal, and also trap in heat. 

Holes were dug for each plant and sprinkled with some home recipe complete organic fertilizer. In they went and then got a good drenching at the base of the stem from the garden hose.

May 15, 2011

Our cute little pullets have finally blossomed into these beautiful hens.  

 Their new feathers are so shiny and colorful. These girls really are stunning. I think they know it too, they've started to walk with a prideful bounce in their step.


Smart and friendly too! These girls know where their food is coming from!